Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My kids.....

Hadi : 3 years and 7 months old
Hazwan : 2 years and 5 months old
Hafiz : 7 months old

It just amazing how these kids blossoming from time to time. Hadi was still a cute baby sometimes 3 years ago and look at him now, a handsome youngman. So do Hazwan, still adorable and friendly as usual.

Playing all day long....

Hafiz is trying to escape......

I got a footage of Hafiz creeping in the house. I must admit that I'm not a good videographer. My hand shakes quite a lot but at least, I got the right moment with Hafiz. Problem is, I can't upload it here..It's like taking forever before it can be uploaded....

I nearly forgot the sweetness of seeing my child growth. Witnessing them blossoming from one stage to the next is just so wonderful. To Hafiz its probably not a big deal but for me as a father...it seem like the time past by so fast.

Today, I can still kiss him on his head after I recite his doa tidur but 10 years down the road, he probably choose school bus rather than me taking him to school....hehehe...who knows....I'm just guessing....

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